Research Report

Name :Marzatillah

YEAR 2014
YEAR 2014
Unemployment or jobless is a term for people who do not work at all
, looking for work , working less than two days for a week or someone who is
trying to get a decent job . Unemployment can also be interpreted as a person
who has reached a certain age who are out of work and looking for work in order
to obtain a reward or benefit . Unemployment can be caused by many things such
as the lack of jobs or the lack of opportunity to get a job .
Unemployment generally mostly found in developing country such as Indonesia . Unemployment that occurs protracted may cause a reduction in the welfare of the community because of the lack of income to meet daily needs such as food , clothing and others. The unemployment rate is too high can also cause political chaos that disrupts the growth of social security and economic development .
Unemployment generally mostly found in developing country such as Indonesia . Unemployment that occurs protracted may cause a reduction in the welfare of the community because of the lack of income to meet daily needs such as food , clothing and others. The unemployment rate is too high can also cause political chaos that disrupts the growth of social security and economic development .
The unemployment problem has become so frightening specter ,
especially in developing countries such as Indonesia . Developing countries are
often faced with the magnitude of the unemployment rate due to the narrowness
of the large number of jobs and population . The narrowness of jobs due to
capital scarcity factor berinvestasi.masalah unemployment itself is not only
happening in the country - developing countries , but also experienced by
developed countries . However, the problem of unemployment in the country -
developed countries more easily resolved than in developing countries , because
it is only related to the ebb and flow of the business cycle rather than
because of the scarcity of investment , population explosion problems or social
and political issues in the country .
B. Problem Formulation
From the above background , it can be some issues that will be
discussed in Chapter pembahasas , is as follows
1. How is the development of unemployment from year to year
2. Are the causes of unemployment ?
3. Is due to unemployment ?
4. What are the types and kinds of the unemployed ?
5. How do I cope with unemployment ?
C. Purpose
From the above problems , the authors have a goal to be achieved ,
namely :
1. to determine the unemployment growth from year to year .
2. to determine the cause of unemployment .
3. to determine due to unemployment .
4. to determine the types and kinds of unemployment .
5. to learn how to cope with unemployment .
D. Benefits of Writing
There are several benefits of this paper is as follows :
1. Be aware of the unemployment growth from year to year .
2. Can know about the causes of unemployment .
3. Be aware of the consequences of unemployment
4. Be aware of the types and kinds of unemployment
5. Can know about how to cope with unemployment
of Unemployment
Early blast unemployment could actually known since about late 1997
early atau1998 . When the monetary crisis that hit Southeast Asia's great to
encourage the creation of tight liquidity in response to monetary shocks . In
Indonesia , over 16 bank liquidity policies end of November 1997 alone could
create about 8,000 employees unemployed and the time interval is not relatively
long , 7,196 workers from 10 companies have been laid off from their factories
in West Java , Yogyakarta , and southern Sumatra based on the data at the end of
December 1997 . Unemployment continued explosion in 1998, of which about 1.4
million new unemployment will occur . With the economy only growing at about
3.5 to 4% of the workforce could be absorbed approximately 1.3 million
additional workforce of about 2.7 million people . The rest becomes extra
unemployment . Total unemployment happens to have 10 million people .
Based on experience , if we refer to the data in 1996 , economic
growth of 3.5 to 4 % is not enough , should economic growth in developing countries
is ideal for a wide Indonesia is above 6 % .
Based on 1996 data over the economy can only absorb 85.7 million
people of the total labor force of 90.1 million people . In 1996 the economy
was able to absorb the amount of labor in a relatively large number for the
national economy grew by 7.98 % . In 1997 and 1998 , the growth ekomi certainly
not as severe as in 1996. In 1998, the economic crisis is getting worse as many
parts of Indonesia are buffeted by droughts , inflation yamg occur in many areas
, the financial crisis in the country and in countries such as fellow ASEAN
trading partners , South Korea and Japan will be very influential . If we are
still based on the assumption of the above circumstances , the explosion of
unemployment is expected to continue in the years ahead .
Indeed, when we step on the year 2000 , the number of unemployed in
2000 have decreased compared to 1999. Along with economic growth in 2000 which
increased to 4.8 percent . 1999 Unemployment also fell 6.01 initially to 5.87
million people . Moderate underemployment or disguised unemployment also
declined from 31.7 million to 30.1 million people in 2000 . The number of
unemployed has reached approximately 35.97 million people , but the government
still focuses on the prevention of unemployment is 16.48 million people . The
number of unemployed in this time that in 2001 reached 35.97 million people
were estimated to be increased if the economic recovery is not going well soon
. Because of this , the government should make every effort to seek foreign
investors to invest here so that new jobs can be created to be able to absorb
as many workforce .
B. The Causes of Unemployment
Labor force coming from middle-
income families to send their difficulties or finance anaknya.persyaratan
requested by companies for example are education and special skills . Education
and special skills can not be owned because no school or other education . This
is usually not acceptable in employment .
As for other causes of the emergence
of unemployment , namely:
1 . relatively large population or
employment while employment is relatively low . The population is quite high
but it is not matched with jobs , the number of labor force not all be accommodated
in the workplace .
2 . education and low skills .
Education and low skills are not needed by the business entity due to low
education and low skills will increase productivity and production .
3 . increasingly advanced technology
that has not been offset by the ability of humans . And high technology
capability so quickly is not matched by the ability of humans to master the
many enterprises received only capable of mastering the technology . For those
who are not able to master these technologies will be eliminated in a job
competition .
4 . entrepreneurs who have always
wanted to pursue profit by saving as application rationalization . Employers
only apply rationalist thinking that labor force to work optimally to achieve
the target . if labor does not work according to the target , then the labor is
no longer required .
5 . job opportunities are influenced by season . The work is influenced by the seasons can menibulkan unemployment such as agriculture , plantations after the plant is completed then a lot of labor just waiting for the results . To wait for the results , most of them unemployed and will work again when the next harvest season has arrived .
5 . job opportunities are influenced by season . The work is influenced by the seasons can menibulkan unemployment such as agriculture , plantations after the plant is completed then a lot of labor just waiting for the results . To wait for the results , most of them unemployed and will work again when the next harvest season has arrived .
6 . economic instability , political
and security of the State . Political stability and economic security of the
state can lead to pengangguran.perekonomian sluggish , uncertain political and
security caused no employers will think to continue his efforts . With menentuk
circumstances would cause a loss of business . To avoid krugian , then the
number of products in the limit or close the business , not expand its business
. This will lead to unemployment .
Unemployment is generally caused by the workforce or job seekers who are not proportional to the number of jobs that exist are able to absorb it . In addition to this, one of the factors that lead to high unemployment in our country is too much labor in the formal sector to the point that when they lost their jobs in the formal sector , they would be at a loss and can not seek to create their own jobs in the informal sector . It is precisely those who are less educated can make innovations create employment , either as a jockey jockey riding in a car or an umbrella if it rains .
Unemployment is generally caused by the workforce or job seekers who are not proportional to the number of jobs that exist are able to absorb it . In addition to this, one of the factors that lead to high unemployment in our country is too much labor in the formal sector to the point that when they lost their jobs in the formal sector , they would be at a loss and can not seek to create their own jobs in the informal sector . It is precisely those who are less educated can make innovations create employment , either as a jockey jockey riding in a car or an umbrella if it rains .
Besides the issue of employment ,
unemployment can also be caused by urbanization . By considering the rapid growth
of urbanization , this means an increase in the unemployment rate throughout
the developing world . These facts do not contradict the general view that
there is a rise in the unemployment rate is quite large , especially in the
decade from 1950 to 1960 . Nevertheless , the increase ( if there ) the poor
state of the employment market is more likely to cause an increase in
underemployment rather than an increase in unemployment .
C. Due to the existence of Unemployment
Unemployment is often a problem in the economy due to unemployment
, productivity and incomes will be reduced so as to cause of poverty and other
social problems . The absence of income causes the unemployed should reduce
their consumption spending which causes reduced levels of prosperity and
well-being . Prolonged unemployment can also cause bad psychological effect on
the unemployed and their families . The unemployment rate is too high can also
cause political chaos , social security and so interfere with the growth and
economic development . Long-term consequences are declining GNP and per capita
income of a country .
As a result of the duration of unemployment , not least the
unemployed who are looking for a way out to make a living that is not kosher .
Many of those who become pickpockets , prostitutes , thieves , thugs , drug
dealers , and so on . Even some of those who are paid to riot or anarchist
politics for the sake of one particular group that is closely connected with
the frontman ORBA . There is also a self-propagating Jihad fighters were sent
to Ambon under the pretext of defending the religion . Yet there they just
become hooked rioters who looted , raped , and killed those innocent Maluku .
If so thorny problem of unemployment is allowed to drag it is
highly likely to encourage a social crisis . A social crisis marked by rising
crime , high rates of juvenile delinquency , the growing number of street
children or thugs , and tremendous possibilities for social violence has always
haunt our society .
D. Differences Unemployment in Developing Countries city and in the
city of Developed Countries
If the terms of the present state , can not be doubted that the
unemployment rate in the State of the industry is much lower than the
unemployment rate in developing country cities . It is first of all due to the
fairly low levels of unemployment in developed countries in general . To the
West, as a whole , in the last two decades, unemployment is estimated at less
than 3 % during periods of economic growth and about 4.5 % in the years of
recession , so the average during the postwar
period close to 3 % ( ie less than half the rate of unemployment in
the country is growing ) .
The low levels of general unemployment and the large number of
labor force in the city is an indication the low unemployment rate in the city
, and this is supported by the statistics . Moreover, there seems to be a new
trend that is wide enough that the unemployment rate in the city is lower than
in rural areas . For example in the United States , for example, in 1960 the
unemployment rate reached 3.9 % in all regions of the State , but only 3.5 % in
the cities and 3.4 % in the largest cities . But the unemployment rate to
reverse the order in times of recession .
E. Types and Types of Unemployment
Unemployment Various views of the working hours can be divided into
1 . unemployment ( open unemployment )
Open unemployment is labor really does not have a job .
2 . underemployed ( under unemployment )
Are underemployed workers who do not work optimally in the absence
or employment or jobs, or workers who work less than 35 hours a week .
3 . underemployment ( disguised unemployment )
Underemployment is labor that does not work optimally because they
do not obtain jobs that match their talents and abilities .
Wide unemployment by Keynes
1 . involuntary unemployment (voluntary unemployment )
Involuntary unemployment is unemployment that occurs because there
is a job offer, but people who are unemployed do not want to accept the job at
the prevailing wage .
2 . involuntary unemployment ( involuntary unemployment )
Unintentional unemployment is unemployment that occurs when a
person accepts a job and prevailing wage but no job .
Ways of Coping with Unemployment
As for the ways to cope with unemployment is as follows :
1 . encourage the advancement of education
2 . improve vocational training to meet the skills needs as the demands of modern industry .
3 . promote and encourage entrepreneurship .
4 . Promoting opportunity informal enterprises .
5 . increase trasmigasi effort .
6 . increase with the development of labor-intensive system .
7 . identifies family planning programs .
8 . opportunities abroad .
As for the ways to cope with unemployment is as follows :
1 . encourage the advancement of education
2 . improve vocational training to meet the skills needs as the demands of modern industry .
3 . promote and encourage entrepreneurship .
4 . Promoting opportunity informal enterprises .
5 . increase trasmigasi effort .
6 . increase with the development of labor-intensive system .
7 . identifies family planning programs .
8 . opportunities abroad .
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