AMP - Conflict and peace inseparable unity, like two sides of a coin that different but related. In the context of the experience of the Aceh peace achieved is not easy, because it requires a process of struggle in all the international, national, and local self. Now, has entered a decade course of peace in Aceh, but still has "homework" in many ways, one of them is not the rights of the marginalized women of the impact is felt when the conflict took place at that time. Among Inong Bale (female ex-combatants), one of the components that have an effect in future conflicts, less and less considered untouchable by the Government of Aceh. Though they are a part of the conflict that all rights must be met by the government. Many of the things they need. Eg economic and sosial.Karena pemverdayaan aid reintegration into society after their return to point zero. Interesting to see the condition or whereabouts Inong Bale post-conflict Aceh Movement. So that makes me search for a deeper condition, then concretized through a paper product of an international seminar on January 8, 2016. The title is presented Inong Bale: The Forgotten Story in Aceh Peace Agreement "/ Inong Bale: The Forgotten History of the Aceh Peace Agreement. the paper is part of my research was to focus research on the role of the women's movement in the process of reintegration of female ex-combatants after the conflict in Aceh.
The above seminar is part of a series of program The 9th Ewha Global Empowerment Program (GEP) held by Ewha Womans University at 5 to 19 January 2016 in Seoul, South Korea. Selected 16 women from 14 countries were considered to commit and focus in issues of women's rights from various fields. Selected two people from Indonesia, myself and Cut Dian Trisniasih represent Indonesia Leuser International Foundation. The program, which has been held since 2012, is organized in memerdayakan women activists, both in terms of knowledge and concrete action in the future. The diversity of origin of the participants, making EGEP a forum which is very effective for mutual learning and the experiences and lessons of various realities and probematika Social facing women. Before deciding to submit this paper, the negative sentiments had approached me, about stigma "narrative sales sadness" of the story Inong Bale. But the response is inversely proportional to it I received when in other countries, after I presented the story Inong Bale proved to get a positive response as assessed by many to provide "lessons learned" in the context of the involvement of women in conflict zones. In other countries experiencing armed conflict and the presence of the army daughter exist (eg Afghanistan), the question of involving women in the peace process is still a hot issue. Clearly it is important to ensure that open spaces of participation to actively create the necessary rights of women after taking up arms during the conflict.
In the book program EGEP winter edition 2016 published by the Asian Women's Center for Women's Studies, the story Inong Bale categorized as "women and peace". In this book review how women become actors prospectively in producing and maintaining peace (peacemaking and peacebuilding). Inong Bale story is judged to have an important contribution in sharing experiences about the activism of women in conflict and post-conflict future of Asia. Women actually have the same rights to peace, but oftentimes scheme that is not friendly policies often discriminate against the female gender. Not to mention the double burden of patriarchal culture for women to narrow the space for them, both in thought and worked. Involve women in peace processes and accommodate the aspirations of the agreement is absolutely guaranteed in the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325. It is crucial to remember the women often bear load and play a dual role in the reality of the conflict. Inong Bale proved, most of them not only as part of an actor but also as victims of conflict. Real experiences of women in conflict is a unique and need specific approaches in the transitional period from war to peace. The Gense Aceh yet the level of involvement of women in decision-making processes treaties peacekeeping for instance, long-term practical impact on the lives of women in peacetime. From the context of peace in Aceh, the list of beneficiaries of the reintegration program found no mention of "female ex-combatants" clearly. In addition to financial discrimination, it also shows the lack of recognition of the existence of women. Peace is written "dignity for all" in the preamble of the MoU presumably still questionable. Meaning of positive peace ala Galtung requiring independent community of various forms of violence, whether direct, cultural and structural still takes hard work to make it happen in Aceh. Lucky that Acehnese women can not easily broke, grip and arrogance patriarchal shackles (sometimes hidden) does not necessarily Acehnese women weep make up. One way they are doing is resistance by the women's movement. Acehnese women with various limitations of social reality is never able to produce at a grand gathering of women's second largest after the Homeland independence of Duet Pakat Inong Aceh I and II. Model struggle of the women's movement in the style of social movements in general through the bottom-up are embracing voice of grassroots to articulate the goal to level up. According to Alberto Belucci social movement is a movement that has three elements, namely the conflict / problem, developing the formation of collective action that requires solidarity to manifest the conflict, and seeks to change or remodel the old system. From a group of women ex-combatants, Aceh never had Liga Inong Aceh (LINA) as (probably) the only women's movement after the conflict that the plight of female ex-combatants. In contrast to other organizations, LINA prefer to focus on the effect of long-term program. Education and training to become a mainstay in their efforts to educate and assist women ex-combatants in their transition from war to peace. In LINA there anyway Flower Aceh that still exist to fight for the rights of women in Aceh in terms of empowerment and welfare of women. Hope Change From program and the struggles of the women's movement in Aceh, I believe that the partiality of the struggle women have unique values and lessons. As stated by Prof. CHANG Pilwha when I discuss how fairly the existence of the women's movement can be maintained, according to him "began to understand partiality by combining it with a view to the future of the global nature", thus opening space and networks of positive women in the movement. Absolute recognition elements also become fundamental in the struggle of women. Lessons can also be learned from Aceh Aceh is expected to consolidate the women's movement to standardize step in their struggle for a more solid strength. Aceh, conflict, Inong Bale and the story of his struggle is still much left rhetoric and puzzles. However, if sooner or later the fewer points the direct perception of it is not impossible that their story will be forgotten, buried outdated covered by various pretexts and other issues considered more trending. Maybe "attention and effort" as I do not currently contribute benefits directly to the sisters of ex-combatants in Aceh. However, I believe, to keep voicing their existence to the world, is a small step that I can devote as being "the struggle against forgetting". By: Anna C. Suwardi DEEP (Dialogue, Emphatic Engagement and Peacebuilding) _ Yogyakarta